La Jolla Senior Care News

The Benefits of Having Companion Care at Home

As your San Diego at home care specialists, it's our pleasure to offer these articles as your go-to resource, featuring information, tips, advice and much more.
Benefits of Companion Care at Home La Jolla, CA
Benefits of Companion Care at Home La Jolla, CA

If you’ve been considering hiring a companion care at home provider for your loved one to help keep her from feeling so lonely, that’s a great option to provide companionship. A companion care at home professional can help your loved one find a connection with someone who comes to her home. The provider will provide conversation, play games if desired, and listen to your loved one as she shares stories about her family and life. It can help your loved one feel less alone in this world, especially if her family doesn’t live nearby or are not able to visit often.

But did you know, a companion care at home provider can provide so much more than companionship, and these additional duties may be able to free you up from all that you do as you provide care for your loved one? By having a companion care at home provider help with some of the following daily or weekly tasks, you might find yourself with more free time to spend doing things you enjoy instead of a never-ending list of chores.


One area an elderly companion can help with is transportation. If your loved one has regular appointments she needs to make or events that she’d like to attend, a companion care at home provider can assist her in getting there and then getting back home. That can free up a lot of time for you to complete other errands of your own or get some extra work done.


Shopping, preparing, eating, and then cleaning up after three meals each day is a lot of work. If your loved one needs assistance in any of these aspects of eating well, your companion care provider can help. If your loved one has a specific diet she must follow for health or personal reasons, just let your companion care provider know about the restrictions, and they will make sure that they will help your loved one purchase the correct foods to help her follow those guidelines. Then at home, they can assist in meal prepping as well as preparation.

Maybe your loved one likes to prepare her own meals but could use some help with chopping the vegetables or portioning off meat servings. A companion care at home provider can help her with those tasks so that when she’s ready to cook, everything is ready for her.

Personal Care

If your loved one struggles with personal care tasks such as bathing herself, combing her hair, or shaving, an elderly companion care provider can help her with these personal care steps. They can help your loved one feel comfortable about how she looks before she leaves the home each day.

There are so many ways having a caring elderly companion can ensure your loved one is experiencing all that her life has to offer and enjoying her golden years. It might just be time to look into what one can do for you and your family.

For more information about how caregivers at La Jolla Nurses Homecare can help your aging parents stay in their own homes, call 858-454-9339. We are a home care agency providing quality and affordable Companion Care at Home in La Jolla, CA, and the surrounding communities.

Brittnei Salerno

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